
In this online store you can buy downloadable digital content, information about new books by Víctor Sánchez, training programs for individuals or groups, as well as PDF files, video and PDF files.

*It is recommended to read the note by Víctor Sánchez about this digital contents to the right of the screen

Our digital download store is intended to offer contents and programs that could previously be known only through direct participation in the workshops of Víctor Sánchez. These programs-because of its transformational potential- contribute not only to the individual evolution, but also to the overall evolution of the human kind. These materials, from now available in digital form, are part of the effort of the author to leave a legacy that serves not only the present generation, but also those of the future.

It is important for you to know, what when you buy any of the content offered here, you are contributing to the human development research projects to which Victor Sanchez has dedicated his entire life, without any institutional or private financing support.

Another purpose of this ditital store is that the work programs that have been for dacades crudely plagiarized , by obscure "spiritual guides" "trainers" or "coaches" in many countries and which most of the time they deliver without the necessary quality and experience, can be available to all those interested, so that they can be known and practiced in the way they were created by the author himself, thus counteracting the corruption of meaning and results that some times takes place these "guides" try to use these programs for merky purposes.

It is for this reason that in this store you will find the same classic programs such as Recapitulation Practices, Management and energy saving and later we will add programs such as “The Burial of the Warrior or Earth's Embrace”, “The Powers of Nature” among others. that will gradually appear on that site.

Finally, this online store is part of a whole new platform of services via the Internet that will include, for example, classes, online training and certification, both in real time and asynchronous, of which we will be informing soon.

To see the first downloadable content click on the Digital Store button in the top menu.

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